Why Movement Is Important When Grieving
Dealing with grief is challenging. If not handled and worked through in a healthy way, it can lead to isolation and deeper depression. Even though it may be difficult to think about your own mental wellness at this time, it is crucial to ensure you process everything in the most healthy way possible. One way to help with your grief is by being physically active. Directors of funeral homes in Aurora, CO. explain how movement can help you while grieving.
Movement Can Help Your Mind
Dealing with grief can be draining on your mind. Constantly experiencing all of the intense feelings of sadness can be emotionally draining. Movement can be a much-welcomed and needed distraction. The good news is that this movement doesn’t have to be anything over the top to gain these mental benefits. Anything from taking a walk around your neighborhood to going to a yoga class can give your mind a much-needed break. Participating in these activities and being mindful while doing so can act as a wonderful distraction.
Movement Allows an Outlet for Emotions
The emotions you will experience while grieving will be intense and range from sadness to anger or even fear. Movement is a wonderful way to get these emotions out. For example, if you are angry, join a kickboxing class or boxing. Use that anger and let it all out on the heavy bag. If you feel jittery or anxious, go for a run and burn off that nervous energy. Although we are often taught not to give in to feelings of anger and other emotions, as long as we can express them in a healthy way like this, it can be beneficial to face them head-on.
Movement Elevates Your Mood
The movement had been proven to help release chemicals in your brain which help elevate your overall mood. Now, you still may feel sadness, but by moving your body you can help your mood be a little more balanced. Once more, elevating your mood can help you better handle any stresses that come along your way.
Movement Helps You Sleep Better
We all know how important it is to get a good night’s rest but many people still don’t. This can be especially true when we are experiencing grief as our routine may be off and our lack of motivation for self-care can come into play. Adding movement into your day can help you relax and feel more tired so you are able to get those much-needed hours of sleep.
Movement Feels Good
Last, but certainly not least, moving your body just feels good. We were meant to move. That is how our bodies are designed. When we lay down or sit for too long at a time we get stiff and uncomfortable. It can also spiral out of control with the longer we sit, the longer want to sit. Get up and move your body. Even if it is just to clean your kitchen, do laundry, or rake the yard.
We hope these reasons have inspired you to add movement to your day. As directors of funeral homes in Aurora, CO. we know it can be tough to find the motivation so if you need additional help, consider asking a friend or family member to be an accountability partner.