funeral homes in Aurora, CO

After making arrangements with funeral homes in Aurora, CO., grieving the loss of our loved one is normal. It is normal and it is necessary. It is our human way of processing what has happened, accepting it, and learning how to go on in this new way. Although grieving is natural, sometimes, if we are not careful, it can turn into depression.

Luckily, there are things you can do to help ensure you are processing and dealing with your grief in a healthy way. One of those ways is through writing and using journal prompts to help guide you.

Why Writing is Beneficial

Studies have shown again and again that writing-especially journaling- can be extremely effective when it comes to dealing with trauma, loss, and grief. Taking pen to paper and writing allows you to let go, get in your flow state, and connect with your emotions on a much deeper level than just thinking about them.

By exploring your feelings on paper you may discover new insights into them or even how they may connect with other emotions you are experiencing.. Because the physical act of writing helps your brain make these insights and connections, it is suggested you do not journal on your laptop or smartphone, but instead use pen or pencil and paper to physically write out your thoughts.

What Are Journal Prompts?

If you aren’t familiar with journal prompts, they are simply predetermined question or thought that gives you a topic to write about. They can be general prompts or they can be focused all around one main topic. Some examples of general self-discovery prompts are as follows:

  • Think back to your favorite day. What made it so great? What can you do to recreate it?
  • What do I know to be true now that I didn’t know a year ago?
  • When do I feel most in tune with myself?
  • How would my best friend describe me?
  • What makes me feel most grounded?

You can use prompts such as these or find more grief-specific prompts, or a combination of both; the choice is yours

How Journal Prompts Can Helpfuneral homes in Aurora, CO

When you first begin to journal, it may feel very uncomfortable. This is especially true if this activity is new to you. Using journal prompts can help because they give you direction and a focus to write about. Rather than think about what you should write, you can simply look at the prompt for direction and start writing.

You can find journal prompts online by doing a Google search. You can also find journals with preprinted prompts in them. Another source is online sites like Etsy where individuals design and sell prompts in both digital and physical formats.

Final Thoughts

While grieving is a natural process, it can be an extremely challenging one. Because of this, it is crucial to make a conscious effort to engage in activities that help you process your grief in the healthiest way possible. If you need further grief support after your loved one’s services from funeral homes in Aurora, CO., please reach out to us any time. We are always here to help and have sample resources we can assist you with.

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