Faith-Based Service Options With Funeral and Cremation in Lakewood, CO

Although death can be profound and often painful, we also believe that by his death and resurrection, Christ conquered death and made possible salvation for all men, this is the philosophy that CFCS Colorado believes in. For years, we have been a charitable organization serving the families of Lakewood, CO, and the nearby areas. We offer funeral, cremation, and cemetery services, as well as educational outreach to parishes and caregiver organizations. Our compassionate and dedicated staff provides education, support, and resources during life’s most difficult moments. Call us today at (720) 605-0689 for all your burial and cremation needs.

For families and individuals connected with the Catholic faith, having final service arrangements such as a funeral and cremation in Lakewood, CO, planned and performed with professionals who share the beliefs can be deeply comforting. In addition, having a common framework of beliefs and values regarding the state of the body and spirit can minimize confusion with your expectations about how you would like the remains to be handled and prepared.

Deathcare services such as funeral, cremation, and cemetery services can be arranged ahead of time with pre-need planning. This planning could be done even many years in advance of the need. Sometimes it is a means to help families have difficult conversations when someone is facing an upcoming death. On the other hand, planning is often coordinated when the end has already occurred. Having trusted support, you can rely upon the assurance that funerary services’ elements will be adapted to your specific religious needs.

A Comprehensive Service Provider Simplifies Funeral and Cremation in Lakewood, CO

When you work with CFCS Colorado, you benefit from access to multiple cemetery choices and funeral homes, chapels, and other venues or amenities that may be utilized. A provider who has everything you may need for the final arrangements you are designing omits a certain level of stress and gives you more control over the timeline of services in many cases. That is because scheduling is made a bit simpler when it is all being coordinated through one central establishment.

If you are working with this non-profit charity of the Archdiocese of Denver, you can also be sure that you will be provided with quality services at fair prices. Services can be pre-planned and paid for in monthly installments without interest until the time of need. Advanced planning may be more general or include some specifics. Having these specifications set before they are needed can bring peace of mind to you and ease the burden left on your loved ones.

A traditional funeral followed by burial is a beautiful way to honor your deceased loved one and is consistent with the teaching that the human form should be handled with dignity and respect. The belief is that the body will be resurrected and should be kept together to await that day. However, cremation has been sanctioned as an appropriate means for body disposition for the last 50 years by the Catholic Church. The final disposition is recommended as burial in a cemetery if cremation is chosen. The cremated remains should also be present for the funerary service for a Catholic funeral.

As you are planning services for a funeral and cremation in Lakewood, CO, you can find a sense of healing and comfort when it is all coordinated through professionals who are so familiar with your faith tradition. Also, no matter what options you select, it brings peace of mind to know that your loved one will be under the care and keeping of the licensed experts you have hired to help with these final needs.


What Support Is Available for Those Who Are Facing Grief?

In many cases, it is profoundly painful to say goodbye to someone you love when they pass away from this life. Our CFCS Colorado ministry partners with another ministry serving the Archdiocese of Denver specializing in counseling services. With three tiers of supportive care for grieving individuals and families, you can receive education and professional support to better understand the natural process of grief.

The first tier provides a Grief Support Class. It is free of charge, but you will need to register to attend. It is offered virtually on zoom. The topics discussed include things to understand about grief and your experiences, how to know the differences between grief, depression, or traumatic stress responses, and coping strategies that may help you keep moving forward. If you find that helpful but would like more assistance, the Grief Support Class team can refer you for tier two services.

In tier two, you can join an online Grief Support Group. They meet once per month for three months. Professionally licensed counselors and grief experts support these sessions. There is no charge for these services, so the cost will not be prohibitive. After completing tier two of our supportive grief series, you may be referred for comprehensive personal counseling services in tier three if you need additional support. This private counseling will be paid for by the individual/family of the person receiving the therapy.


Sensitivity and Competency Delivered by Experts in the Field

Gratefully, suppose you are facing one of life’s most challenging transitions with the loss of a loved one. In that case, you can receive sensitive and competent assistance from CFCS Colorado. Call today for immediate, upcoming, or distant future needs involving plans with funeral and cremation in Lakewood, CO.

Funeral and Cremations FAQs

What should I do first when a loved one passes away?

The first step is to contact the appropriate authorities, such as a doctor or emergency services, to officially pronounce the death. Next, reach out to a funeral home to begin making arrangements. They can guide you through the necessary steps and paperwork during this difficult time. Learn more about immediate funeral need.

Who has the right to make funeral arrangements?

The right to make funeral arrangements typically belongs to the next of kin, such as a spouse, adult children, or parents. If there’s a legal will, the executor named may also have the authority. In some cases, a pre-designated individual or legal document, like a durable power of attorney, can specify who is responsible. Visit our funeral FAQ page to know more.

What are the main components of a Catholic funeral service

A Catholic funeral service typically includes three main components: the Vigil (or wake), the Funeral Mass, and the Committal (burial or internment). The Vigil is a time for prayer and reflection, usually held the night before the Funeral Mass, which is a formal church service with the Eucharist. The Committal is the final rite, where the body is laid to rest, often accompanied by prayers at the graveside.

Immediate Need


General Inquiry



We will be removing all Christmas/New Year decorations beginning on February 10th, 2025. Please collect any items you do not wish to be discarded. Thank you.