Precious Lives Burial

The loss of a child in pregnancy or at birth is a very difficult time for families. Parents often have many questions including how to care for the bodily remains of the child. Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado ministers to families during this time of need. Children who were lost during a pregnancy or at birth are welcomed into our care for placement into one of our Catholic Cemeteries at no cost to the family. As a ministry of the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver, we live our vocational call of the Corporal Work of Mercy to Bury the Dead. No matter if families are Catholic, Protestant, another faith tradition, or of no faith, we serve all families.

Please call us at 303.502.9666 after experiencing the unexpected loss of your precious child.

Future dates of Precious Lives burial services:

Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery (Wheat Ridge, CO)

  • February 19, 2025
  • March 19, 2025
  • April 16, 2025
  • May 21, 2025
  • June 18, 2025
Wheat Ridge CO Funeral Service

What does the Precious Lives ministry mean to you?

Funeral Director, Jessica Galan, shares her thoughts and feelings about the importance of the Precious Lives burial ministry.

This sacred ministry provides a dignified funeral service and burial for babies that were lost during a pregnancy or at birth.

A personal testimonial about the importance of the Precious Lives ministry.

Assistant Funeral Director, Matthew Syzek, shares his experience of losing a child to miscarriage and the importance of the Precious Lives burial ministry.

Precious Lives Burial MinistrySub title video

Entierro de Vidas Preciosas

La pérdida de un hijo durante el embarazo o durante el parto es un momento muy difícil para cualquier familia. Los padres frecuentemente tienen muchas preguntas, incluyendo como cuidar de los restos de su hijo/a. Catholic Funeral & Cementary Services of Colorado imparte este ministerio a familias durante este tiempo de necesidad. Vidas que se perdieron durante el embarazo o al nacer, los recibimos aquí, y les damos cuidado en nuestros cementerios católicos sin costo alguno a su familia. Como ministerio de la Arquidiócesis Católica de Denver, vivimos nuestro llamado vocacional de la obra de misericordia corporal de enterrar a los muertos. Sin importar que la familia sea católica, protestante, de otra fe tradicional o sin fe alguna, nosotros asistimos a todas esas familias durante esos tiempos de dificultad.

Por favor llámenos al 303.502.9666 despues de experimentar la perdida inesperada de su precioso hijo/a.

Lakewood CO Funeral Home Service

Do you have an immediate need?

Call us at 720-605-4713 anytime, day or night.

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We will be removing all Christmas/New Year decorations beginning on February 10th, 2025. Please collect any items you do not wish to be discarded. Thank you.