funeral homes in Denver, CO

While once headstones only had options of what shape they came in as well as what was engraved on them, today there are several different ways families can personalize their loved one’s headstone. One such way is with porcelain portraits. These are wonderful additions as they can be added to the headstone at any time meaning that a family can add this personal touch to an existing headstone. As directors of funeral homes in Denver, CO. we often get asked about these embellishments so today we are answering some of the most commonly asked questions.

What Exactly is a Porcelain Memorial Portrait?

If you are not familiar with a porcelain memorial portrait, it is simply an image that is placed on a piece of porcelain and attached externally to a headstone. These porcelain portraits are made from a porcelain tablet that is baked to over 800 degrees Celsius. They are durable and stand up well to the elements. Due to their durability, many manufacturers offer a lifetime guarantee.

What Shapes and Sizes are Available?

Porcelain portraits can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the most popular shares are oval, rectangular, round, and heart-shaped. They can also be created in custom shapes. The same is true when it comes to sizes. Some providers may have standard sizes but these portraits can be made in custom sizes as well.

Are the Porcelain Portraits in Color?

Yes. While some families may choose to have the portrait created in black and white, these embellishments are available in color. While sometimes color is subject to fading over time, these portraits hold their color fairly well due to the fact the color pigment is added during the heating process making it very durable against fading.

How to Choose the Best Photo to Create the Portrait

While each porcelain memorial portrait provider may be able to offer slightly different options and/or services, there are a few things that are pretty universal when it comes to the image of the portrait. These things are:

  • The background can typically be removedfuneral homes in Denver, CO
  • Normally the image will need to be in a digital format and be a .jpeg file of at least 300 dpi
  • The colors of the end product may not match the photo exactly due to the pigments and the high temperatures they are heated to
  • It’s best to use the original photo if at all possible
  • Slight retouching and alterations can sometimes be done to the image
  • The image many times can be flipped (mirror image)
  • Black and white images can be colorized
  • The porcelain piece can be in the portrait or the landscape format

Final Thoughts

As directors of funeral homes in Denver, CO., we are often asked about ways to personalize services and headstones. We understand as you want your loved one’s final arrangements to be as unique as they were. Porcelain portraits are a wonderful way to add a personal touch to their headstone and show the world how wonderful your loved one was.

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