Cremation and the Catholic Holy Mass – Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc

Below is a transcript the the video:

Hello and welcome to this week’s Funeral Facts with Deacon Mark.

We’ve been doing a series on cremation, and we talked about is cremation permitted in the Catholic Church. We talked about do’s and don’ts of cremation. Today we’re going to address our final question and that is, can you have a funeral mass if you’re cremated?

The basic answer to that is yes. But let’s go into a couple details of it.

First of all, if you’re going to be cremated it is preferred that the body be present for the mass. So, the idea being you have the vigil, you have the mass, then you have the cremation and then you place the individual into a cemetery.

So that is the preferred way. There’s a lot of spiritual and psychological benefits to it. There’s a benefit to your family, seeing the body there, being present there, seeing the body at the mass, receiving communion and all that with the body presence. So that is the preferred, it is permitted to have the cremated remains present.

So, you can have the cremated remains present instead of the body, but it’s preferred to have the body. Now People ask, well, why would you not have the body?

Having the body present is a little bit more expensive because there’s transporting the body, caring for the body. You need a casket, all those different types of things. So, the preferred is the body present but it is permitted to have the cremated remains there.

If the cremated remains are present the mass and the committal are very similar except for a few minor things that a lot of people wouldn’t even notice. The biggest one that people probably would notice is there’s no pall placed onto the cremated remains we place a pall on the casket reminding us of the white garment we receive at the baptism and that is connected to dying and rising with Christ and so we put the pall on the casket to remind us of our baptism and the connection to the baptism. If the cremated remains are there, we don’t do anything as far as putting the pall on there and all that. So that’s the biggest piece.

The piece that most people wouldn’t notice is there’s some little minor changes in the prayers that are said. But other than that, it is a funeral mass as everything else would be.

And so, we’re looking at yes you can have a funeral mass if you’re cremated preferably with the body present but if not still have that mass because we want you to have graces of that mass as you go on your journey to the heavenly father.

This is Funeral Facts with Deacon Mark.

Have a great week.


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

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cremation services in Aurora, CO
Is Direct Cremation Affordable?

If you are preplanning your own cremation services in Aurora, CO., or need services for a loved one, you may be considering direct cremation. With cremation quickly rising and being chosen more and more over traditional burials, more people are choosing this option every day. However, unless you have looked into this service before, you probably have questions. One of the most important being, is direct cremation affordable?

The answer to this is yes. Not only is direct cremation affordable, but it is also the most economical option you can choose. The reason for this is due to the fact that this is a very basic, very minimal service. While this is fine for some, others may prefer an option with more services included such as visitation. Let’s look a little more at what makes direct cremation affordable so that you can decide if it’s the right choice for you or not.

What is Included in Direct Cremation?

As stated above, the reason direct cremation is less expensive is that it only offers basic services. These services begin with the collection of the body. Once the body has been collected, the paperwork is then filled out and completed. Next, the cremation will take place and the remains are then returned to the family in a temporary urn.

What is Not Included in Direct Cremation?

You can see that direct cremation is a simple process moving from one step to the next. While many families appreciate this, as they feel it brings them closure faster, other families may wish for time for services such as a viewing. With direct cremation, there is simply no time for a viewing or any other type of service.

More Services Mean More Money

When you start adding more services, such as viewing, the overall cost is going to increase. For example, with viewing you will be adding on costs for things like embalming and preparing the body, purchasing or renting a casket, and a fee for the funeral home hosting the service. When you keep things simple with a direct cremation, the costs stay low.

Should I Choose Direct Cremation?

With direct cremation being the most economical choice, it still may not be right for everyone. While it has a lot of pros, there are still some cons as well. Let’s compare some of these to you can have a clearer picture is this is the right choice for you.


Budget-friendly – It is the least expensive option.

Less stress – The simple process eases some of the burden families can feel at this time.

More time to plan- With the body being cremated and not at risk for decomposition, it gives families more time to plan a service afterward if they wish

Conscremation services in Aurora, CO

Strict timeline – With the process being quick, there is typically no time for the family to say final goodbyes

No time for visitation – Families do not have time beforehand for any services such as a visitation

When you are considering cremation services in Aurora, CO., and want an affordable option, ask about direct cremation.

cremation services in Aurora, CO
A Short Guide to Mausoleums

If you want to place your loved one’s remains in a cemetery after their cremation services in Aurora, CO., one option you have is to have them placed in a mausoleum. While mausoleums can be found in many cemeteries all over the world, many people are still unfamiliar with them or the benefits they can provide. Today we are going to talk about mausoleums and what you need to know about them to help you decide if it’s the best option for you and your family.

What is a Mausoleum?

For those who are not familiar, a mausoleum is a free-standing structure that is built to house the remains of the deceased. An urn would consist of an enclosing for interment and with a burial, this space would be a burial chamber.

Types of Mausoleums

There are several types of mausoleums families can choose from. The most common include:

  • Garden (or Outside) Mausoleums – These structures are typically a shared space where the crypts and enclosures are located outdoors
  • Indoor Mausoleums – This is a shared space where the crypts and enclosures are located indoors
  • Private Mausoleums – These are private spaces typically for a family. These can be indoor or outdoor spaces.

Why Families May Choose a Mausoleum Over Ground Burial

There are several reasons why families may choose to place their loved one’s cremated remains in a mausoleum rather than bury them. Some of the most common reasons we see include:

  • Mausoleums can offer a quiet place to visit and honor their loved one
  • These structures can provide a very distinct and elaborate memorial
  • Mausoleums offer an alternative to using cemetery grounds which are becoming more scarce
  • With indoor mausoleums, family and friends can visit their loved ones and be protected from the elements while doing so

How Does a Mausoleum Burial Work?

A mausoleum burial or interment works much like a traditional ground burial. Family and friends gather at the cemetery after the funeral service for a committal ceremony. After this ceremony, the urn with the deceased’s ashes is then interred in the mausoleum. Depending on the mausoleum, it may or may not be accessible after it is closed at the end of the internment.

How Much Do Mausoleums Cost?cremation services in Aurora, CO

Knowing how much a mausoleum or an urn enclosure inside one will cost is difficult as there are so many variables that can affect the price. For a private, custom-built mausoleum, they can range from a single-person one at about $35,000 to those that can house an entire family for around $300,000 all the way to $600,000 or even more. Of course, this price would be much less for an enclosure space in a public mausoleum.

Final Thoughts

Mausoleums can make a wonderful choice for those who may wish to choose cremation as their form of disposition yet still be laid to rest in a cemetery. With several types and prices to choose from, families have several options.

If you would like more information about mausoleums or spaces inside after your loved one’s cremation services in Aurora, CO, give us a call today. We are happy to answer all of your questions.

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