Funeral Etiquette | Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc


Below is a transcript the the video:

What do you do and what don’t you do? This is Deacon Marc with the funeral facts and today we’re going to talk about funerals and what to expect and how to act, because most of us don’t attend a funeral that often and we often get a lot of questions around funerals and how do you actually expect what you do so let me give you a couple pointers today.

First of all what do you wear? This is not a chance for you to bring out your fluorescent orange vest or your pink flamboyant tie or anything like that. It really is still traditional black navy dark solid colors. You always want to dress traditionally for a funeral modestly for a funeral, darker colors.

Second piece people ask me is, what do I bring to the funeral? Do I bring a gift to them? Do I get a gift card for them? What do I do? and typically what is generally there’s nothing expected. Bringing yourself is what’s most important but if you did want to really bring something bring them a card with a nice note in there that you’re praying for them that they can read later. Some people do like to bring flowers to leave at the graveside with to leave with the family but really flowers or card is what to do.

If you really want to bring something I could tell you what not to bring, your cell phone. Leave it totally in the car there’s no need for you to have the type cell phone really could become a distraction to yourself if you think you’re gonna be taking pictures, no, just leave it in the car there’s no need to have it. There’s no need to have it there let yourself be focused on this time with the family.

Speaking of time, be on time and stay for the entire time arrive early stay till the end and we never know how long a funeral is gonna be that priest homily can be extra long the eulogy can be long good the long and so plan for adequate time you being there is about you being present for that family so give yourself plenty of time in the day to be present for that funeral.

At the same point in time be prepared may want to bring a little bottle of water with you so that in case your throat gets parched with tissues with you if you think you have a cold or it might get teary eyed bringing some mints with you for the wonderful breath that we all have. But come prepared to the funeral with some items so that you don’t have to walk out during the funeral to help with those type of things

Finally be there for the family be present for the family and the biggest one of the biggest pieces of funeral etiquette that I can give you is be sure to say you’re condolences to the family and don’t be one of those who sneaks out the back door and avoid saying goodbye to the family. What really needs to happen at that time is for you to just go up to the family and give your condolences I’ve done another video on how to get those condolences but for right now just plan on having that difficult time going up to the family telling them I’m sorry giving them a hug if it’s appropriate and letting them know that you’re here for them these are just a couple of funeral etiquette ideas for you to help you through that funeral if you may have one up here in the near future.

This is funeral facts with Deacon Marc make it great day and God bless.

To learn more about our funeral services, visit our website:

Preplanning Your Funeral and Cemetery Needs │ Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc

Below is a transcript the the video:

Hello and welcome to Funeral Facts with Deacon Mark.

So my question to you today is are you prepared for your for your passing by doing your pre-planning. Pre-planning is important to help us in our own preparations to realize that we are coming to a final end of our life at some point and that preparation is actually absolutely crucial and there are three parts to pre-planning your funeral arrangements.

One is funeral home. The funeral home takes care of your body and it’s almost like the wedding coordinator. They coordinate all the services and do all those different pieces.

The second part of it is the cemetery. Where do you want to have your body interred where your cremated remains in Interred.

And then the third piece is the church and the services. Where do you want to have the services? What kind of readings do you want? What kind of music you want? And so there really are three different pieces to that pre-planning to truly become prepared for your final days.

In a future video, we’re going to talk about the benefits of pre-planning but for right now, I wanted to give you an understanding of what is involved.

You have the funeral planning of who’s going to take care of your body. You have the cemetery planning of where you’re going to be laid to rest and then you have the church services of where those services are going to happen and what those services are going to look like and in doing that, you can be prepared. Just like we’re preparing for Christmas.

Have a great day. God bless and make it a great day.

This is Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc.

To request a free funeral and cemetery planning guide, visit our website:

For more information about preplanning your funeral and cemetery needs, visit our website:

Stations of a Catholic Funeral – Part 2: The Vigil – Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc

Below is a transcript the the video:

Last week when we got together we talked a little bit about what were the reasons we have Catholic funerals and talked about that we give thanks to God for his love and mercy of us that we worship God that we asked God to help us fill with his graces that void of that loss that we have, and then finally we pray for that person that passed away.

And then we introduced at that time that there are three stations to right of Christian funerals as the vigil or sometimes called the wake the funeral liturgy and then the right of committal and so today what we’re going to do is spend a little bit of time just going through that first one the vigil service or the wake and what is that look like and what is its purpose.

The vigil has evolved many times over the years, I can remember early in my childhood my parents going to vigils for many, many nights in a row. My wife can tell stories about her grandfather having wake or vigil on the living room table at their house in New York.

Typically vigils are the night before the funeral but they are usually before the funeral it’s the first time the community gathers together to come together to remember the person passed away but then also at the same point in time beginning praying to god and filling that void of loss with god’s love with god’s grace and the graces of the holy spirit and so it’s that time when they come together. The vigil has a couple different components to it.

A traditional vigil starts out with the introductory right welcoming opening prayer and then we ground ourselves as we should always in scripture with the opening reading either from the Old Testament or the New Testament the gospel a brief, brief homily to ground ourselves and have a reflection in that scripture and then after we ground ourselves in scripture we then have time for intercessory prayer and that intercessory prayer can take on a different component with it.

Often times it can be traditional like we do at mass where we say we pray for the world. Let’s pray to the Lord. Lord hear our prayer.

And we do those different litanies of intercessory prayers. The intercessory prayer can also be the rosary. The rosary is one big intercessory prayer where we’re asking for Mary to intercede on our behalf for us. And so we have that intercessory prayer.

Then finally ending with the our father and a blessing of all those who are coming here and again as we’re thinking about those components what we’re doing again is grounding ourselves and remembering that god loves us that we’re worshiping him we’re praying for that person who passed away and then at the same point in time we’re asking god to fill us with his love so that we can make it through that very difficult time.

The vigil again is that first time we get together and we start remembering that person so it’s a very appropriate time to have eulogies and how people speak about that person and the impact of that person in their lives and it really is that preparation stage where spiritually, psychologically, we’re getting ready to make that transition from the home then to the church where our second station is the liturgy and we’ll talk about that in a future video and then finally, the Committal where we go to the cemetery and so you have this progression and at the same point in time supporting each other through that

So that’s our funeral facts for this week. We’ve talked about the vigil at first stage. An important stage for us as we could go through the three stations of the Right of Christian Funerals.

Make it a great week and God bless you.

Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

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funeral homes in Denver, CO
A Guide to Porcelain Memorial Portraits

While once headstones only had options of what shape they came in as well as what was engraved on them, today there are several different ways families can personalize their loved one’s headstone. One such way is with porcelain portraits. These are wonderful additions as they can be added to the headstone at any time meaning that a family can add this personal touch to an existing headstone. As directors of funeral homes in Denver, CO. we often get asked about these embellishments so today we are answering some of the most commonly asked questions.

What Exactly is a Porcelain Memorial Portrait?

If you are not familiar with a porcelain memorial portrait, it is simply an image that is placed on a piece of porcelain and attached externally to a headstone. These porcelain portraits are made from a porcelain tablet that is baked to over 800 degrees Celsius. They are durable and stand up well to the elements. Due to their durability, many manufacturers offer a lifetime guarantee.

What Shapes and Sizes are Available?

Porcelain portraits can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of the most popular shares are oval, rectangular, round, and heart-shaped. They can also be created in custom shapes. The same is true when it comes to sizes. Some providers may have standard sizes but these portraits can be made in custom sizes as well.

Are the Porcelain Portraits in Color?

Yes. While some families may choose to have the portrait created in black and white, these embellishments are available in color. While sometimes color is subject to fading over time, these portraits hold their color fairly well due to the fact the color pigment is added during the heating process making it very durable against fading.

How to Choose the Best Photo to Create the Portrait

While each porcelain memorial portrait provider may be able to offer slightly different options and/or services, there are a few things that are pretty universal when it comes to the image of the portrait. These things are:

  • The background can typically be removedfuneral homes in Denver, CO
  • Normally the image will need to be in a digital format and be a .jpeg file of at least 300 dpi
  • The colors of the end product may not match the photo exactly due to the pigments and the high temperatures they are heated to
  • It’s best to use the original photo if at all possible
  • Slight retouching and alterations can sometimes be done to the image
  • The image many times can be flipped (mirror image)
  • Black and white images can be colorized
  • The porcelain piece can be in the portrait or the landscape format

Final Thoughts

As directors of funeral homes in Denver, CO., we are often asked about ways to personalize services and headstones. We understand as you want your loved one’s final arrangements to be as unique as they were. Porcelain portraits are a wonderful way to add a personal touch to their headstone and show the world how wonderful your loved one was.

funeral homes in Denver, CO
Best Free Design Software for Your Funeral

When considering items needed for a funeral, design software is normally not the first thing you may think of. However, there are many cases when having this software will be extremely beneficial. Today we are going to look at some of the best free software that is available online as well as some of the instances where it may come in handy for your services with funeral homes in Denver, CO.

What is Design Software?

Simply put, design software is a tool to help you design materials like flyers, social media posts, programs, brochures, and even videos. It is easy to use and most often times comes with preloaded templates that are available for you to use.

Why Would I Need Design Software?

When it comes to funerals, there are many instances when having good design software can come in handy. Just some of the items design software can help you with are:

  • Designing of the memorial program
  • Creating images for a memorial website
  • Creating images for any social media posts
  • Creating and editing a video tribute
  • Creating a memorial website
  • Designing images for a table display

Best Free Software

Fortunately today there is a number of free design software that are available right online. While each one has its own set of features maybe making it more suitable for certain projects than others, they all can help you in creating and designing beautiful material for your loved one’s funeral. Some of the top free design software programs are:

  • Canva – Canva is by far one of the most popular choices. This is because it is extremely easy to use with drag-and-drop features. It also provides a ton of premade designs, images, templates, and more for users to have access to.
  • Design Wizard – This is a newer program that is gaining traction quickly as it is easy to use and has a wide variety of templates ready to go. They provide 24/7 support with chatbot features making it a great choice for those new to design software.
  • Crello – This software is outstanding for creating stunning graphics for use in websites and social media posts. With over 30,000 ready-to-use templates, users have more than enough templates to choose from.funeral homes in Denver, CO
  • BeFunky – BeFunky is perfect for editing images, and creating new ones as well as photo collages. The paid version offers users many more features, but the free version is plenty for the beginner designer to get the job done.
  • Vectr – New users will enjoy this software as it is easy to understand without a big learning curve. It is also nice because it has a web version as well as a mobile app to allow more flexibility on when and how you design.

Final Thoughts

While you certainly don’t have to have design software for your funeral, there are many times when it can come in handy. Creating things like the memorial program, images for a display table, designing a video tribute, and more can be much easier with the use of the software. And with so many free versions available right online, it makes it easier than ever to try them.

If you would like more information about designing material for your services with funeral homes in Denver, CO. give us a call and let us help you with whatever you may need.

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We will be removing all Christmas/New Year decorations beginning on February 10th, 2025. Please collect any items you do not wish to be discarded. Thank you.