Stations of a Catholic Funeral – Part 3: The Funeral Mass – Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc

Below is a transcript the the video:

We’ve been going through we started a couple weeks ago looking at why do we have funerals and so we have those three stations and today we really want to talk about the liturgy and what is the liturgy, and we need to go fundamentally that the liturgy, the mass is the source and the summit of our faith.

So, when we’re thinking of the liturgy, it is really that high point where we’re coming from the home with the vigil. We’re moving into the church where we’re putting up placing ourselves directly in god’s presence through that source and summit of the liturgy of Mass and then finally we’re moving to the cemetery for the committal where we will be turning our loved one over to the love of god and the mercy of god and committing on to their final resting place so the funeral liturgy again the most common preferred way is the funeral mass this is a traditional mass with a couple different components in it that we’ll talk about but then you can also do the funeral liturgy outside of mass for different pastoral reasons.

It may be we don’t can’t get a priest. It may be that for the good of the family that it’s better to do the liturgy outside of the mass. We have two formats. The funeral liturgy outside of mass
and in the preferred the funeral mass itself and that is what we will spend our time talking about what is that funeral mass look like.

The other piece before we go into that those components is the church really highly recommends and asks that the body be present for that Funeral Mass. Now, the cremated remains can be, but the preferred way is always to have that body present representing for the body of Christ that was there and laid to rest at the same point in time. Having the body there provides both spiritual and psychological benefits for those attending the liturgy and so there’s spiritual and psychological reasons for it but we really do like to have the body present for that funeral liturgy for that funeral mass but the same point in time you can have the cremated remains and there’s a lot of different reasons why people do that as well.

When we’re thinking about the mass, the liturgy, it follows basically the same format as a traditional mass but at the beginning and the end, there’s some slight differences. At the beginning, you’re going to most likely have the reception of the body. If you have a full body there, a pall will be placed over the casket reminding us of the the white garment that was provided to us at our baptism. We’ll have the sprinkling right. We’re reminded of the baptism of the of the loved one going back to the sprinkling and of the baptismal washing that occurred at the baptism and so we’ll have that reception right.

The individual will be brought into the chapel at that point in time and then the mass will proceed as typical with the liturgy of the word, the liturgy of the Eucharist and then at the end, we have the commendation prayers and the commendation prayers have some different components to it where we’re asking God to take this loved one into his care and take him into his arms at that point in time and so when you think of the funeral mass it really is a similar components of a mass with just a an addition at the beginning of the end.

Now one of the things I think needs to be clear and we’ll end with is who is that mass for? Often times, I’ll be talking to families that come in and say you know what we don’t really practice our faith anymore even though mom went to church every single day, we don’t really think we need to have the mass. Well, the bottom line is that Funeral Mass, well, it has some benefits for ourselves and filling that void that we may have. The Funeral Mass is for that person who passed away. It’s their final time in the church. It’s their final time within that sacrament of the Eucharist and so, when we’re thinking about the Funeral Mass, this is really a time for that loved one who passed away where we’re praying for their soul, their journey that they’re having to the heavenly father and so important that we remember that that mass is really for that person who passed away.

And so there we have it the second station the funeral liturgy where you have the funeral mass but you can also have the liturgy outside of mass with it again all that goes back to why do we have funerals we have it to worship god we have it to thank him for his love and mercy we have it to ask for his graces to fill us and fill that void that we have at the loss of loved one and finally we have it to pray for that person passed away.

We thank you for joining us this week and make it a great week.

Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

Funeral | Cremation | Cemetery |

Stations of a Catholic Funeral – Part 1: What is involved? – Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc

 Below is a transcript the the video:

Hello and welcome to funeral facts with Deacon Marc. This will be a section of a weekly blog where we talk about funeral facts from a Catholic perspective, something none of us really want to talk about but it’s important for all of us to understand because we all have to deal with it at one point or another with family, loved ones, and eventually with ourselves.

So, let us begin today. We’re talking about why do we have funerals and what is the order of Christian funerals?

The Church has had funerals since day one we can see that with Lazarus with Christ when he raised him from the dead and we throughout church history funerals have played an important role within the Catholic faith.  So, why do we have them?

I’ve asked this question to people and one of the most interesting responses I get was well we need do something with the body.

Well, yes we need do something with the body but we want do that respectfully and there are reasons why we have funerals, and really there are four primary reasons why we have funerals. We can have all these other reasons but there are four primary ones.

One, we want to worship God. We want to come together and worship Him for He gave us our lives, and He gave us that opportunity to be with that person and so we’re thanking Him and worship Him.

We’re also thanking God and remembering about His mercy that He has for us, His ultimate mercy. None of us deserve that mercy but He is merciful, loving, and we trust in His mercy and so we thank Him for that mercy.

The third reason is to fill that void of loss that we have with that person who’s no longer with us and so we come together as a community we pray with each other, we grieve with each other, and we’re filling that void with Christ and God at our center of our lives.

And then the fourth reason is probably maybe the most important reason is; we’re praying for that person on their journey. Christ told us that not everybody goes to heaven he says that the gate is narrow and the road is thin and not everybody is going to get through that and so we want to pray for that person on their journey on their journey to the heavenly Father.

Four reasons why we have Catholic funerals:

1) Worship God
2) Thank God for His mercy
3) Fill the void of loss with faith
4) Pray for the deceased

So then what does a funeral look like?

You know I can remember growing up when we had funerals it would seem like they would go on for an entire week and things have changed over the years but the one piece that has remained the same is there really are three stations to the order of Christian funerals.

First, we have the vigil, this is when the community comes together and they start remembering the person, they also start praying to God and coming together and filling that time with the love of God you know in a prayerful type of way.

The second piece is the funeral liturgy, typically this is the mass that can be a funeral liturgy outside of the mass but this is when we go to the source and summit the Eucharist and we pray for that person and we have that mass in honor and intention for that individual.

And then, finally we have the committal, and this is typically out of the grave site where we say the final prayers and we commend that individual to God and to their last lasting resting place.

And so there are those three stages and it’s interesting when you look at those three stages it really goes from the home, to the church, to the cemetery, and it’s like a procession of taking that person on a journey and we go on that journey with them. So, we’re going from the home of the vigil to the to the church with the mass and finally to the cemetery with the committal.

So, three stations we’ll be talking about those more in depth over the next couple weeks but that does for today’s issue of funeral facts with Deacon Marc.

We hope they have a blessed week!


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

Funeral | Cremation | Cemetery |

funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO
How Funeral Services Help Us Heal

When talking to funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO. about services for your loved one who has passed, you may not realize just how important the funeral service is. Funerals are much more than just a way to say goodbye to our loved ones. These ceremonies also provide a system of support with our friends and family, allow us to reflect on the life of the deceased, and help us process the act of life and death.

If you are attending a funeral service for a friend or relative, let’s look a little deeper at some of the ways this ritual can help you in the healing process.

Acknowledge the Death

Although never easy, acknowledging the death of our loved ones is something we must face. Attending a funeral service helps us in facing and acknowledge the reality of death. It allows us to begin the process of grieving and do so in a safe space with friends and loved ones.

Be Surrounded by Support

With everyone at the service being there to show support and respect for the deceased and their family, it creates a wonderful space for support and love. Funerals allow everyone to feel this love and support and realize they are not alone in their grief. It’s a wonderful place to come together and help one another during this difficult time.

Pay Tribute to the Person Who Passed

During the services, there will most likely be eulogies given and perhaps other stories of the deceased will be shared. This gives everyone a chance to remember the loved one and hear stories about them that they may not have heard before.

As the services end, many people may stay behind sharing stories and more memories of the deceased. This gives a wonderful opportunity to really honor and pay tribute to the loved one and their life.

Ceremonies Give Us Comfort

With funeral services being a ritual or ceremony, this in itself can bring us comfort. With ceremonies having a structure, and a specific order of things, it can provide a sense of ease. In this difficult and uncertain time, having a ceremony that follows a structured outline can make us feel a little more stable and grounded. We know what to expect and we have something to focus on and follow.

Help Us Begin to Healfuneral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO

Funeral services are a way to say goodbye to the deceased and realize and accept the loss. These services also mark a time when we begin to heal. While the healing process will look different for everybody, the funeral service and being surrounded by love and support is a wonderful way to begin the journey.

Final Thoughts

Funeral services are ceremonies that not only pay tribute to the deceased but also allow friends and family members to be surrounded by love and support. When you are discussing services with funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO. know that this ceremony will help begin the grieving and healing process and is an important step in the journey, as it will help provide support, healing, acknowledgment, and closure.

funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO
Memorial Funds: Helping with Funeral Costs

Funerals can be expensive. Flowers, caskets, memorial programs, funeral favors, and more can all add up quickly. If families had not made arrangements prior, it can all be overwhelming. This can be especially true if the death was sudden as many families may have a difficult time coming up with this extra money in such a short timeframe. As directors of funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO. we understand the burden this can sometimes cause families. That’s why today we are going to discuss memorial funds.

What is a Memorial Fund?

A memorial fund is an account where people can donate money to honor the deceased as well as help the surviving family. These accounts can be set up for many different reasons some of the most common beings:

  • Funeral Costs – As stated above, with funerals being able to be quite costly, many families will set up a memorial fund to help offset some of these costs.
  • Unexpected Expenses – Other than funeral costs, there may be additional expenses the family will need to pay such as getting the deceased’s affairs in order, securing their property and/or pets, etc.
  • Memorials or other Tributes – Setting up a memorial fund is a wonderful way to help pay for a memorial for your loved one. This could be anything from planting a tree to donating a bench.
  • Surviving Children – Memorial funds are often set up for surviving children of the deceased. This money typically goes to things like school supplies, tuition, and living expenses while they attend a school or a savings fund.

How to Set Up a Memorial Fund

Luckily, setting up a memorial fund is very easy and just about anyone who can use the internet can set one up. There are several sites that allow for free funds to be designed as well as ones that can be purchased that have additional features. No matter what site you choose for your fund, the setup is typically the same and includes these steps:

  1. Create an account
  2. Choose your webpage template
  3. Edit the template to include all of your image and text content
  4. Set up banking and personal information
  5. Publish the webpagefuneral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO

Once the webpage has been published, it will be live. This means that anyone with the link may visit the page and donate. One ideal place to place this link is in a post on social media. In this post explain what the fund is for as well as why it is important. Then include the link and invite people to share. This will ensure the posts gains the most traction.

How Long Can the Memorial Fund Last?

There is no set rule on how long the memorial fund can remain active. Some families may set a monetary goal and leave the fund active until that goal is reached. Other families may opt to only have it last a certain timeframe such as six months after the funeral. It is truly up to each family how long they wish to keep it active.

If you would like more information about memorial funds and how they can help with costs from funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO., call us anytime and talk one-on-one with one of our knowledgeable funeral directors.

funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO
Attending a Funeral: Most Commonly Asked Questions

Funerals can be uncomfortable to attend. This is especially true if it is your first one as you may feel anxious about what to expect. You might also be nervous about what to say to the grieving family as well as if what you are wearing is appropriate. To help you feel more comfortable, directors of funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO. answer some of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to these services.

What Should I Wear?

This is probably the most asked question as people do not want to look out of place or dress inappropriately. Most often, the standard color for funerals is black, but other colors are also acceptable. If you do not have anything black, feel free to wear other colors as long as they are darker, more somber colors. These include dark gray, and navy, tones of deep purples such as eggplant ad even deep greens and other natural stones.

As far as the style of outfit, you want to dress nicely. Imagine you are attending a Sunday morning church service and dressing for that occasion. This means for women, dresses, skirts, and blouses, as well as pant suits, are appropriate. For men, either slacks, a dress shirt, a tie, or a suit is a good choice.

Should I Bring Children?

Bringing children to a funeral service can depend on a few things, First, consider their age and if they are mature enough to sit still for the entire service. If they are young and may endlessly fidget or make a fuss then it is best to probably leave them with a relative or a sitter.

If they are older, then you may want to consider their mental maturity level and if they are equipped to handle the situation. This will be a personal decision based on you and your child.

What Do I Say to the Family?

When offering your condolences to the family, it is best to keep it short. Things you could say include:

  • I’m sorry for your loss
  • You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers
  • He will be greatly missed
  • She was a ray of sunshine and was loved by everyone who knew her

Where Do I Sit?funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO

This is always a concern as people don’t want to offend anyone by sitting in the wrong space. The most important thing to know here is to not sit in any of the first few rows as these are reserved for family. Also, the funeral may have attendants to escort you to a seat. If not, typically the left side of the room is for friends and acquaintances to sit while the right is for family.

Is it Okay to Be on My Phone Before the Service Begins?

No. In fact, if you can leave your phone in your car or at home that is even better. While we are used to getting our phones out and texting or scrolling Facebook while we wait someplace, this is not an appropriate time to do so. You are there to pay respects and honor the deceased. Sit quietly and respectfully while you wait for the service to start.

Although these aren’t all the questions directors of funeral homes in Wheat Ridge, CO. get, it is some of the most common. Hopefully, by answering these, you will feel more comfortable when attending your first funeral.

Immediate Need


General Inquiry



We will be removing all Christmas/New Year decorations beginning on February 10th, 2025. Please collect any items you do not wish to be discarded. Thank you.