funeral homes in Thornton, CO

Caskets today come in a variety of materials as well as styles. This is such a wonderful opportunity for families to choose options that truly reflect their loved one’s style and tastes. Another, newer option that is catching on is personalizing the deceased’s casket with a casket wrap. If you aren’t familiar with the customization option, directors of funeral homes in Thornton, CO. share what you need to know.

What is a Casket Wrap?

A casket wrap is a piece of vinyl that has been designed with a pattern, logo, portrait of the deceased, or any other image the family requests. The piece of vinyl is then applied to the casket with a process that gives the illusion of the actual casket itself being printed with the image. With the wrap being able to be so personalized, it is a very effective way to make the casket truly unique to your loved one.

Why Choose a Casket Wrap?

One reason that families may choose to have their loved one’s casket adorned with a vinyl wrap is that it can allow the family to create a truly one-of-a-kind casket for their loved one. With just about any image being able to apply, one family could have a casket that has a background pattern of flowers while another family may choose to have an image of a flag covering the casket.

And although there is the cost of the vinyl wrap, families may also be able to save a little money. They can do this by choosing a less expensive material for the casket since it will be covered by the wrap.

How Does the Process Work?funeral homes in Thornton, CO

While you can purchase casket wraps from a number of various dealers, the process for designing and installing them is fairly the same. The typical order will go something like this:

  • Communication – Contacting the company and talking with them about things like the date and location of the service is an important first step as it ensures the wrap can be designed and delivered on time.
  • Placing Your Order – Once you and the provider have agreed on the timeframe and any other issues, you will place your order either online or over the phone with them.
  • Design – Most providers will have options of stock images and designs you can use as well as offer customized designs. You will work with the provider and create the design. You may need to provide digital images or photographs to the provider.
  • Printing – The provider will then print the casket wrap on the vinyl material.
  • Shipping – If the provider is not local, they will then ship the wrap to your location.
  • Installing – Local providers will then apply the wrap to the casket. If the provider is not local, they will typically have a local 3rd party installer apply the wrap.

Final Thoughts

Vinyl wraps are not new as you have most likely seen them being used on commercial vans and cars. However, casket wraps are a newer and growing trend. With the ability to truly create a one-of-a-kind casket for your loved one, it is no wonder these wraps are so popular. Directors of funeral homes in Thornton, CO. can help you learn more about these wraps and if it is a good choice for your loved one’s casket.

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