funeral homes in Aurora, CO

If you are planning a funeral service for a loved one with funeral homes in Aurora, CO. you may be looking for ways to make it more personalized. With the services being a time for friends and family to come together and pay tribute to the deceased, it is a wonderful time to add personal touches to express what your loved one was all about. One way to do this is in the designing of the funeral program.

The funeral program is a printed pamphlet that details the order and flow of the service. Each guest will be given one and they are typically a four-page program with a front cover, middle section, and back cover.

They typically include a picture of the deceased, an outline and details of services, a short obituary, a poem or passage, as well as a place that acknowledges anyone who the family would like to thank. While this is great information and you can certainly still include all of this, there are many ways to add a little extra and make it much more personal for your loved one.

Front Cover

Most programs will have one single image of the deceased on the front cover and while this can make a beautiful bold design, consider adding more images. You could make a collage and include images from your loved one’s life that were from major milestones such as their wedding or an award ceremony.

Perhaps they were an avid traveler and you could add images of them in the different cities or countries they visited. Maybe they loved music or dancing and you could show that in the images chosen. Think about what could display your loved one’s core personality and find images that express that to the guests.

Inside Pages

Inside the program is where you will find the details of the services as well as an obituary. This is most commonly designed on a two-page spread with the obituary on the left page and the order of services on the right page. If you would like to keep this length and layout of the program but want it more customized, you could consider the colors, fonts, or background image and tailor it more toward your loved one.

If you want to take it up a notch and add more personalization, you can certainly add another page or two to allow for more room to do so. With more space you could add things like:

  • Painting or drawings that your loved one made
  • Poems or song lyrics that they wrote
  • A list of their favorite charities or causes and ways people can help
  • A longer, more detailed obituary
  • Interesting facts about them. For example, if they traveled, you could create a list of all the places they visited

Back Coverfuneral homes in Aurora, CO

The back cover of the program is where you will find any acknowledgments as well as a list of any pallbearers. This is pretty standard and not much of a place to add extra information. Instead, to make it personalized, once again consider the colors, fonts, and perhaps a background image.

While planning services with funeral homes in Aurora, CO. there will be many things to think about, and designing the funeral program is one of them. Designing one that is unique and truly shows off your loved one’s personality is a wonderful way to honor them and their life.

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We will be removing all Christmas/New Year decorations beginning on February 10th, 2025. Please collect any items you do not wish to be discarded. Thank you.