Prominent People at Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery

Servant of God Julia Greeley’s Love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Fr. Blain Burkey, O.F.M. Cap.
Below is a transcript the the video:

Involvement in the Sacred Heart of the, she was, she commanded the church there at that Sacred Heart church, and the Jesuits were running that church and that the ocean is Sacred Heart was promoted strongly by the Jesuits true should not the, they weren’t the only ones I mean there’s actually Franciscan Saints before there were Jesuits, who had talked about the sacred heart, but they did promote that and did have some Jesuit Scholastics that had started the apostleship prayer which it was very… very well known in my lifetime in my childhood we used to get these little leaflets every month and have material about a Saint, like there’s thirty different Saints they would give you information about and also it was encouraging prayer to the Sacred Heart and parish preparation of the in souls in the Sacred Heart.

Every month those things come out and she went all over town delivering them and she couldn’t read or write so somebody had to tell her what… what was in there and you know that somebody told us that she had walked with a limp but we didn’t know the strength of that until after she was disinterred and they found it are covered with arthritis.

She didn’t write about anything she couldn’t write but she left us her message by her actions. A remarkable thing about it is this she goes doing all this stuff for and helping very group of people that enslaved her and left her blind and so forth and she had reason to be bitter but there was no indication anywhere.

The whole devotion to Sacred Heart has to do with the mercy of Jesus and I think that’s the program for life right there.

The Julia Greeley Guild:

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