
Below is a transcript the the video:

So, you might be wondering, what is a Catholic cemetery and why is it important?

The grounds of a Catholic cemetery are consecrated and are an extension of the Catholic Church.   They play a vital role in our Catholic faith and are a symbol of the reverence we hold for the human body when the soul passes on to God.  The cemetery says to the world, the body rests here in this sacred ground to be remembered and reverenced as we wait, in hope, for the promise of the resurrection.

So, when families come to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, they enjoy the beauty and they are comforted as they remember their loved ones, knowing that that they all will one day be reunited together with God.  And to clarify, you don’t need to be Catholic to be buried at Mt. Olivet. We are available to all faiths.

For more information about our cemetery services in the Denver Metro Area, visit https://cfcscolorado.org/services/cemetery/


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

Funeral | Cremation | Cemetery |

Immediate Need


General Inquiry



We will be removing all Christmas/New Year decorations beginning on February 10th, 2025. Please collect any items you do not wish to be discarded. Thank you.