funeral homes in Lakewood, CO
3 Popular Funeral Reception Serving Styles

If you are hosting a funeral reception, there will be many things to consider. Some of these are the location of the event, how many guests will be attending, and making sure there are enough items for everyone such as chairs. Another big decision is choosing what type of food to serve and the style it will be served in. Directors of funeral homes in Lakewood, CO. look at some of the most popular styles to help you better decide.

1. Plated/Table Style

This serving style is definitely the most formal of the three and is when guests will be seated at a table at a certain time for their meal. It is a more formal, “high-class” feel as guests remain seated as the food is brought to them. This style can either have just one course or many that include things like soup, salad, or dessert. Many times guests will choose their entrée and RSVP so that they don’t actually “order” at the time of the reception. The food is catered in or made at the location and is nice and hot as it arrives at the table. This serving style can be more costly because you will need servers to transport the food, refill drinks, and attend to the additional needs of the guests as they eat.

2. Buffet Style

If you would like something that can still look elegant but be a bit more casual than a table style, consider having a buffet. These are very popular for a number of reasons. One is that it can offer a wider variety of foods. With a plated table dinner, the choices of entrees may be limited to one or two, but with a buffet, you may be able to provide many more. Another benefit to buffets is that you don’t have the extra cost of servers. Of course, if you wish, you can always have servers behind the buffet table to plate the food for the guests.

3. Food Trucksfuneral homes in Lakewood, CO

The most casual and easy option that is growing in popularity is having food trucks at the location. This can be a great choice if the event is outside at a park or other outdoor location. With almost every city having several food trucks to choose from, you can offer your guests a wide variety of foods.

Food trucks also offer a very casual, almost more “party celebration” mood than a sit-down dinner or buffet. This can be a perfect choice for those who wish to have a more light-hearted and happy rather atmosphere rather than serious and solemn.

In Conclusion

Food is a large part of most funeral receptions. This is because we often associate food with love and comfort. Also, we want to show the guests who come appreciation by providing them with a meal. With so many options of serving styles, it doesn’t matter if the reception is held at a church, outside park, or funeral home in Lakewood, CO. as there is a style for every reception.

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We will be removing all Christmas/New Year decorations beginning on February 10th, 2025. Please collect any items you do not wish to be discarded. Thank you.