Burying the Dead, a Spiritual Act of Mercy

Burying the dead is one of the Spiritual Acts of Mercy.


Funerals give us the opportunity to grieve and show others support during difficult times.  Through our prayers and actions during these times we show our respect for life, which is always a gift from God, and comfort to those who mourn.

  • Send a card to someone who has recently lost a loved one. Make your own card and use some of these prayers (click here).
  • Visit the cemetery and pray for those you have lost.
  • Spend time planning your own funeral mass, read through the Order of Christian Funerals and find our hope in the Resurrection. For a free funeral and cemetery planning guide, click here.

Source: https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/new-evangelization/jubilee-of-mercy/the-spiritual-works-of-mercy


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

Funeral | Cremation | Cemetery |

Crypt of All Souls – Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc

Below is a transcript the the video:

Hello and welcome to Funeral Facts with Deacon Mark.

We have started these series by first looking at the right of Christian Funerals and we did a couple podcasts on that. We then did a series on cremation and now we’re going to start a third piece with it our third series and talking about the ministry programs we have here at Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of Colorado.

First of all, we are a ministry.

We are part of the Archdiocese of Denver and so we have several ministries that we make sure to help fulfill dead. We have the Crypt of All Souls which we’ll talk about today, next time we’ll talk about precious lives and then, we’ll talk about two groups; care for those that can’t afford a funeral and also care or our veterans and how we help support the veterans who want to be buried in the Catholic Cemetery

So that will be our three series but today, we’re going to talk about Crypt of All Souls and go right from cremation into crypt of all souls. One of the things we talked about in cremation is that the body should be placed in a Catholic Cemetery and we have people that can’t afford that or different things and so, we have what we call the crypt of all souls.

It’s a crypt where we place on a monthly basis through a committal service, cremated remains at no cost to the family and this could be done for a wide variety of reasons and biggest reason is people have just paid for the cremation and all those different pieces and they can’t afford the the private niche or the private burial. So, we do offer the Crypt of All Souls.

We offer the Crypt of All Souls and not only to people who pass away recently but often times, we’ll get people who are cleaning out grandma’s house and they’ll find cremated remains in there or they will be at a yard sale or different places and find cremated remains and so we take all those cremated remains into our care at no cost anyone.

On the third Wednesday of the month, we have a deacon that comes in and we take those cremated remains. We take them to the crypt where they’re going to be laid to rest and we perform the right of committal for those individuals that are being laid to rest there and so they have that committal that people would have if they were being buried in a cemetery and so it’s a beautiful, beautiful process.

It helps people take that opportunity to have their loved one in the cemetery. It also provides for the respect of the person and so if you’re interested in the crypt of all souls, if maybe you have cremated remains in your house or know someone who does, please give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you connect you with how to have that loved one placed in our Crypt of All Souls.

That is this week’s Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc.

Make it a great week.

For more information about the Crypt of All Souls, visit the following link: https://cfcscolorado.org/mission-programs/crypt-of-all-souls/


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

Funeral | Cremation | Cemetery |

What is a Catholic Cemetery?

Below is a transcript the the video:

So, you might be wondering, what is a Catholic cemetery and why is it important?

The grounds of a Catholic cemetery are consecrated and are an extension of the Catholic Church.   They play a vital role in our Catholic faith and are a symbol of the reverence we hold for the human body when the soul passes on to God.  The cemetery says to the world, the body rests here in this sacred ground to be remembered and reverenced as we wait, in hope, for the promise of the resurrection.

So, when families come to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, they enjoy the beauty and they are comforted as they remember their loved ones, knowing that that they all will one day be reunited together with God.  And to clarify, you don’t need to be Catholic to be buried at Mt. Olivet. We are available to all faiths.

For more information about our cemetery services in the Denver Metro Area, visit https://cfcscolorado.org/services/cemetery/


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

Funeral | Cremation | Cemetery |

Stations of a Catholic Funeral – Part 4: The Rite of Committal – Funeral Facts with Deacon Marc

Below is a transcript the the video:

We’ve been going through a journey where we started talking about why we have funerals and the four basic reasons why we have funerals; that worshipping God, thanking God for his love and mercy, for asking God’s graces to fill that void that we have with faith, and then finally to pray for that person who passed away.

And then we talked about the fact that there are three stages or stations to the right of Christian funerals, and we talked about the vigil, we talked about the funeral liturgy which is the funeral mass the source and summit of our faith, and then today we’re talking about that final stage the committal.

The committal is a very powerful time it’s that time where we are saying goodbye to the loved one for that final time and turning it that loved one over to God in their final resting place in most cases the committals held right where that person is going to be laid to rest and so there are times when it can’t be you have pouring down rain you have snow hail whatever it may be sometimes the presider won’t end or the family will say let’s hold it inside the building and then we’ll move to that place to final rest and place the person in the ground or in that fault or niche or whatever it may be but for the most part that committal is held right at graveside or right at that point of the person being placed in that in a niche where they’ll have that final resting place.

There are two forms of a committal there’s the right of committal and then there’s also the right of committal with commendation so if the person didn’t have a funeral liturgy didn’t have a commendation at the funeral liturgy that can be done at the committal time as well but for the most part most people have that liturgy and we’re doing the right of committal and so we’ll talk about that today.

The committal has a couple of different pieces to it there’s the introductory right where we talk and welcome people to the right and we really talk about the fact that we’re here for two reasons one again to pray for that person passed away and secondly to pray for ourselves and ask God to fill us at this time of trouble that this time where many of us are feeling a lot of pain.

We’ll then have a very brief scripture verse just to ground ourselves back into scripture and a scripture verse that we read and then there’ll be a prayer of over that place of final commitment and oftentimes that location will be sprinkled with holy water and blessed at that point in time if it is not already blessed.

After we have the prayer of the place of final rest that is where traditionally the person is laid to rest so if the person is a traditional burial that casket will be lowered into their place or if they’re being placed in a niche the person will be placed in the nitche and door will be placed over in front of it.

That can also be done at the end of the right for pastoral reasons if it’s believed it’s best to do so at that time but in a lot of ways it makes sense to do it here because then after that final committal of that person into the ground or into their place of rest then there is the Lord’s prayer, there’s a final prayer for the individual and then there is the blessing of those that are there and so it kind of does bring closure to the whole right by having that committal of the body take place right there in the middle.

And so, you have some opening prayers the committal of the body and then some closing prayers and the blessing at the end. People always ask, “should we stay for that committal body into the final resting place?” and I always highly encourage it.

The reason being is we are physical psychological beings and we’re spiritual beings as well and that seeing that person laid into the ground or put into the nitche has a very powerful impact in helping us in those four components that we’ve talked about regularly about why do we have funerals and so being present therefore that is highly recommended and highly impactful in most cases as well but it’s also understandable as to why people wouldn’t be there for that

And so, it all does come down to why do we have the right of Christian funerals? why do we have a committal? We have a committal because we’re going to thank God for his love, we’re going to worship him and we’re going to ask God to fill us with his graces through this right, and then finally we’re praying for that person on their journey.

That is our funeral facts this week with Deacon Marc make it a great week and May God bless you.


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of Colorado
A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver

Funeral | Cremation | Cemetery |

cemetery in Aurora, CO
Personalizing Your Loved One’s Funeral


The service that is held before the burial in a cemetery in Aurora, CO. is the funeral. These services have been taking place in one form or another for over thousands of years. These rituals are important in many cultures as a way to honor the deceased as well as focus on the moving of life from this world to the spiritual one.

While these services have a typical order of service, they can be customized to make them more personal for your loved one. Let’s look at some ways this is done.

Change Up the Guestbook Into Something Different

When guests first arrive at the service, they will make their way over and sign the guestbook. This is the first opportunity to change things up a little. Rather than having guests just sign their name in the book, invite them to write a short memory or other note instead. This will make the guestbook a keepsake that you can look back on.

Personalize the Décor

Another way to customize the service is by the décor. This could be anything from using their favorite color to their favorite holiday for inspiration. For example, if they loved Christmas, you could include holiday décor and poinsettias. If they loved the color yellow, you could use yellow flowers, tablecloths, candles, or other elements. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look “traditional”. Guests won’t mind and in fact, may enjoy it as it can make them feel more connected to the deceased.

Display a Photo Collage

Creating a photo collage display provides a perfect opportunity to show off your loved one’s life and personality. You could add photos that show things like:

  • Their wedding, graduation, or other big life events
  • Childhood photos
  • Photos of their first car or other things that were important to them
  • Achievements, medals, and ribbons
  • Images of them surrounded by friends and/or family
  • Images of them enjoying their hobbies or passions

When choosing photos, you can ask other family members and even close friends for photos as they may have some great photos you have not even seen before.

Serve Their Favorite Dishcemetery in Aurora, CO

At the reception after the funeral consider serving your loved one’s favorite dish. Maybe it was something that was homemade by you or them. Perhaps it was a savory entrée from a local restaurant. Whatever it was, serving it at the reception as either the entire menu or part of it is a wonderful way to personalize this event. And don’t forget about the drink. Did they have something they always loved? Maybe sweet tea or lemonade? Perhaps a favorite beer or wine? Make sure to include this as well.

Final Thoughts

You can see that there are a variety of ways you can customize your loved one’s funeral. This can bring much comfort to families who wish for something a little more unique. If you would like more information on services at the cemetery in Aurora, CO., or more ways to customize your loved one’s tribute, contact us today as we are always here to help.

cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO
What You Need When You Meet with the Funeral Home

When a loved one passes away, you will most likely be in a state of shock for quite some time. This will leave you feeling lost, confused, and not sure what to do or where to begin with making arrangements. Whether you are dealing with a funeral home or cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO., there are some important items and documents you should try and have with you for the first meeting.

Of course, each individual home or cemetery may have different items they require. As a way to help you get started, we are listing general items that most funeral homes need when you meet with them.

Biographical Information

First, the funeral home will need all the biographical information for your loved one. This will include:

  • Birth certificate
  • Social security card
  • Date of birth
  • Legal address
  • Spouse’s full name and maiden name (if applicable)
  • Name of schools attended
  • Name of employer
  • Primary care physician name
  • Names of surviving relatives such as siblings, grandchildren, children, etc.
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)

Paperwork and Documents

This list will vary depending on what your loved one had or didn’t have. A general list can include items such as:

  • Life insurance policies
  • Deeds to cemetery paperwork
  • Any preplanned funeral paperwork
  • Military papers (DD 214 Form)

Personal Items

Other than paperwork, you will need to gather some personal items for your loved one and bring these with you. These items include:

  • Clothing to be buried in including undergarments, shirt (preferably long sleeves), shoes, socks, or hosiery
  • Dentures (if applicable)
  • Any jewelry
  • A recent photograph that can be used as a reference for hair and makeup
  • A photo to be used for the obituary
  • Photos to be used in the memorial tribute video

Other Items to Bring

While you don’t have to bring these items right away, other items you will want to gather and have ready are things for the memorial tribute table. These can be things such as:

  • Awards
  • Framed photographs
  • Crafts
  • Ribbons
  • Other memorabilia
  • Tips to Make This Easier

This is a difficult time for you and having to deal with your grief and handle gathering all these items can be a daunting task. To help make it a little more manageable, here are some tips:cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO

  • Enlist help – Don’t be afraid or feel bad to ask for help. Enlist another family member or a close friend to help you keep track of what you need, find papers, make copies of documents, or whatever else you need. Your family member or friend would be glad to help you.
  • Stay organized – Keeping track of so many documents and papers can be tough. Make sure to stay organized by having one binder or folder you can collect everything. With personal items such as clothing, having one box or basket for everything can help keep it all together and organized.

Final Thoughts

While this list consists of items you should take to the funeral home, meeting with a cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO. may require you to have additional or different documents. The documents you need can also depend on if your loved one made any arrangements ahead of time concerning their funeral and/or burial.

cemetery in Aurora, CO
How to Care For Your Loved One’s Gravesite

Gravesites are a very special place. They are the final resting place for your loved one. They are also a place where you and others will visit when you wish to feel close and connected to the deceased. Because of how special this space is, you will want to ensure its beauty and upkeep throughout the years. While your cemetery in Aurora, CO. may have grounds maintenance, it is nice to know how to take care of your loved one’s gravesite yourself as well to ensure it is always up to your standards.

Caring for the Headstone

Your loved one’s headstone is an important feature of the gravesite. This tribute serves as a monument to them as well as holds important information such as their name and dates of birth and passing. You want to keep the headstone clean and in good condition. Depending on the material of the headstone, you may need different supplies or a different cleaning technique. Some popular materials and the best method of cleaning are:

Marble Headstones

  • Start by soaking the stone in water. This can be done by using a spray bottle, hose, or bucket.
  • Create a mixture of ammonium hydroxide and water at a 1:4 ratio. Then, using a soft-bristled brush apply the mixture and gently scrub the headstone.
  • Rinse the headstone thoroughly with water

Granite, Sandstone, Slate Headstones

  • Soak the entire headstone with clean water
  • Use a non-ionic detergent and mix one ounce to 5 gallons of water
  • Use a soft-bristled brush and gently scrub the headstone
  • Make sure to rinse completely with clean water

Maintaining the Overall Site

As mentioned, most cemeteries will have groundskeepers to perform tasks such as mowing the grass, trimming trees, etc., but the maintenance of the individual sites is many times left to the families. You can keep the site looking nice by doing things such as:

  • Raking leaves
  • Trimming grass edges
  • Pulling weeds
  • Picking up sticks or other debris
  • Add grass seeds to any bare patches
  • Water the site

Gravesite Decorationscemetery in Aurora, CO

While adding a flag, flowers, or another décor to a gravesite can be a lovely memento for your loved one, always make sure to check with the cemetery for what items are (and aren’t) allowed. The same is true for materials of vases for flowers as many cemeteries will not allow glass or other materials to be used. This is because if they break or get damaged they can pose a safety risk to visitors and groundskeepers. Always check with your cemetery before leaving anything at the site.

If you live too far from the cemetery in Aurora, CO. to visit it and care for it regularly, there are typically options for extra services from the cemetery as well as other providers who will maintain the site for you. They will charge a fee but it is well worth it knowing your loved one’s gravesite is being maintained and cared for.

cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO
Steps to Take When a Death Has Occurred

The moments immediately following a loved one’s death can be filled with confusion, loss, and uncertainty. At first, the situation may seem not real; like a bad dream. You may not know what to do or who to contact. Although eventually, you will make arrangements with a cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO., there are many steps that need to be taken before that. To help you know what to do when your loved one passes, keep reading as we break down the tasks and when they should be completed.

(Immediately) Get a Declaration of Death

The first thing you will need to do when your loved one passes is to acquire a legal pronouncement of death; a death certificate. This can be done by calling 911 and having the ambulance transport your loved one to the emergency room where a doctor can then make the declaration of the passing. If your loved one was in a retirement or assisted living home, then typically, the staff there will take care of this for you.

(Immediately) Notify the Family

Following your loved one being pronounced as having passed, you will then need to notify other family members. Understandably, this can be a very difficult phone call to make. However, it is important that other family members are informed. If you don’t feel up to making several phone calls, notify one family member and ask them to let the others know.

(Within the Next Few Days) Plan The Arrangements

In the days following the passing, you will need to decide on the arrangements for your loved one. This will include things like what type of body disposition you would like for them to have as well as planning any services.

(In the following days) Secure Their Home and Propertycemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO

In the next few days, you will also need to ensure your loved one’s home is safe and secure. Doing things like making sure doors and windows are locked, taking perishable food out of the refrigerator, and making sure any valuables are secure will ensure their home is taken care of.

(In the Following Weeks) Secure All of Their Accounts

It is a good idea to have your loved one’s mail forwarded to your address so that you can begin looking at their bills and other accounts. This will help you know what you will need to take care of. These accounts can include things like car loans, house payments, credit cards, and more.

While this can all seem like a lot to handle, and the truth is told, it is, remember it doesn’t have to all be done at one time. Just take each step at once, breathe, and then go on to the next task. Also, make sure to ask other family members to help with whatever they may be able to. This will take some of the burdens off of you.

Along with making arrangements with a cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO, there are many other things that need to be taken care of when your loved one passes. Because of this, and the grief you are feeling, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Just know that we are here to help and remember to just take it to step by step.

cemetery in Aurora, CO
Keep These Things in Mind When Selecting a Casket

Making arrangements for ground burial in a cemetery in Aurora, CO. requires making several decisions. Other than the grave marker, one of the most important decisions is the selection of your loved one’s casket. With so many types and styles, as well as ways to customize them, this decision can be a little daunting. We are going to look at some of the major elements to keep in mind when making this important choice.

Casket Material Construction

One of the things you will need to decide is what type of material you want the casket to be made from. There are several different materials available with each having its own set of characteristics such as some being more durable with others may be more decorative.

Some of the most common types to choose from include copper, bronze, metal, gold, stainless steel, wood, veneer, laminate, wicker, bamboo, and even eco-friendly caskets.

Type of Casket Top

Caskets typically offer two choices when it comes to the tops. Either a half-couch or full-couch design. A half-couch design consists of the top half being able to be opened with the bottom half staying stationary. By contrast, a full-couch design allows the top to be opened fully on both halves.

Inside Lining

The inside lining of the casket is often satin but families can choose from other materials such as velvet, and polyester. These linings can be found in different standard colors as well as offer additional colors that can be used to customize a loved one’s casket.

Inside Design

Many caskets offer a design to be added to the inside top lid so that when it is open, the design can be seen. These designs can be found to include photographs, embroidered designs, and even decorations medallions may be added.

Exterior Design

Not only do families have options when it comes to interior design, but the exterior of the casket can also have a design. This design can be on just one part of the casket or wrap the casket entirely. Some popular designs include:

  • Having a cross or portrait of the deceased on part of the casket top
  • Adding a flag design to the entire top of the casket
  • Designing all exterior sides of the casket with a design such as flowers, clouds, or sunrise

With today’s technology, almost any design can be transferred onto the casket including old photographs and custom drawings.cemetery in Aurora, CO

Additional Elements

Once the design of the casket has been determined, there are additional elements that are available. Some of these include things like memory drawers and secret compartments where families can add personal mementos to be buried with their loved ones.

Other features are more decorative in nature such as the hardware used and embellishments added.

Final Thoughts

With so many options, selecting the casket to bury your loved one in the cemetery in Aurora, CO. can seem overwhelming. Just remember to take it step-by-step, one element at a time and you will be sure to design a casket as beautiful and unique as your loved one.

cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO
Coping With Grief by Helping Others

Experiencing grief is hard, Plain, and simple. When we lose a loved one, the emotions we feel can be overwhelming. While time does help, this brings little comfort at the moment. One thing that can help us get through this grief is by helping others. The act of giving helps us redirect our focus to something good and positive. While we may not feel instantly happy, these feelings can provide a balance for our well-being. After your loved one’s services in the cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO., here are some things you can do to help others.

Donate to a Charity

If your loved one had a favorite charity or cause they stood behind and supported, a wonderful act of kindness you can do is make a donation to this organization. This donation could be a one-time thing or you could set up a reoccurring donation to be made monthly or so. You could also make a donation in your loved one’s name as an extra way to pay tribute to and honor them.

Donate Old Items

Although cleaning out your loved one’s old items can be difficult, knowing they might help someone else can make the process a little easier. There are many places that will take these old items and put them to very good use. Some places include:

  • Organizations such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army can use any household items
  • Police stations will often take old toys and stuffed animals (these items are often given to any children who are in their care due to emergencies or family issues)
  • Homeless shelters can use old clothes, pillows, blankets
  • Women and children’s shelters always need clothes, blankets, et
  • Schools and libraries will often take old books and videos

Volunteering Your Timecemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO

Finding a place to volunteer your time is a beautiful way to help others. You could offer your time to an organization that your loved one supported such as the local humane society. You could also offer your time to places that might have helped your loved one when they were alive such as the hospital or retirement home. If your loved one adored the outdoors, you could contact a local park and offer to help be on the clean-up or maintenance crew. The possibilities are endless.

Giving Food to a Food Bank

If your loved one had a kitchen full of food when they passed, take what you can to a local food bank. There are so many people that depend on these food banks for their family’s food. Knowing your loved one’s food can help these families stay nourished and can fill you with feelings of comfort.

Final Thoughts

While no one act will simply take away all of the sorry or grief you are feeling after your loved one’s passing, helping others and showing kindness can help. By performing these acts, our brain produces more of the “feel good” hormones. Although these hormones won’t be enough to completely take over, they are enough to at least help balance us out in this difficult time. That’s why after your loved one’s service in the cemetery in Wheat Ridge, CO., finding ways to help others is important.

Immediate Need


General Inquiry



*** Updated fall and winter Cemetery visiting hours. Starting Sun. Oct. 6th, 7:00am - 6:00pm. ***